The conduct of the Municipal Capacity Assessment Tool (MCAT) and the County Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT) for local government kick starts in Grand Bassa County.
The 5-day (August 26-30) assessment brought together local government units (county and city), CSOs, county and city councils, people with disabilities (PWD), key private sector institutions including Ministry of internal affairs representatives.
The main purpose of the CCAT/MCAT is to support Liberia’s decentralization process by providing a tool that allows counties and cities to assess their capacity and performance to carry out their devolved functions. The tool is thus designed to be used by counties and cities to help them better understand their level of performance against key functions and get constructive feedback from key stakeholders.
CCAT/MCAT is an evidence-based, participatory, facilitated self-assessment tool for counties and cities to regularly assess their performance on key functions/performance areas using a predetermined scoring system.
The capacity assessment was conducted under the five functions devolved to local government under the Local Government Act (LGA). To include: 1) Planning and Budgeting, 2) Financial Management, 3) Own-Source Resource Mobilization, 4) Local Government Administration and 5) Management, and Service Delivery.
Based on the findings of the assessment, tMA will develop a plan for capacity development. The CDP may also incorporate key sector findings from the county development agendas of Grand Bassa, Nimba, and Bong counties.
We are so proud to jointly support the implementation of Objective 3- “Local Development and Service Delivery” for the USAID LEAD Activity.