Baseline Report on Liberia County Assessments Completed

We have finally concluded the Liberia County and Municipal Assessments in Bong County. This baseline report provides a comprehensive summary of the findings from the County and Municipal Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT/MCAT) conducted across three targeted counties and municipalities in Liberia.

Read more: Baseline Report on Liberia County Assessments Completed

The assessment was conducted under the USAID Local Empowerment for Accountability and Decentralization (LEAD) Activity, a five-year project (from May 19, 2023, to May 18, 2028) aimed at supporting domestic resource mobilization, fiscal transparency, and decentralization.

The primary focus of the assessment was to evaluate the targeted local governments’ capabilities in planning and budgeting, financial management, resource mobilization, management and administration, and service delivery. The aim is to empower the targeted counties (Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa) and municipalities (Ganta, Gbarnga, and Buchanan) by identifying strengths and gaps in key governance areas and undertaking interventions to address these capacity gaps. The goal is to promote participatory governance, transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in local governance, as required by the 2018 Local Government Act (LGA).

Building on these findings, tMA will continue to work closely with local governments and national agencies to implement sustainable reforms that align with Liberia’s decentralization goals, ultimately fostering more responsive, accountable, and effective local governance.

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