We are thrilled to have signed a one-year subcontract agreement with DAI to support the USAID Liberia Local Empowerment for Accountability and Decentralization (LEAD) activity being implemented in Grand Bassa, Bong, and Nimba Counties.
tMA will lead the conduct of the Municipal Capacity Assessment Tool (MCAT) and the County Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT) to assess five functions devolved to local government under the Local Government Act (LGA) to include: Planning and Budgeting, Financial Management, Own-Source Resource Mobilization, Local Government Administration and Management, and Service Delivery.
The primary purpose of the CCAT/MCAT approach is to support Liberia’s decentralization process by providing an approach that allows local government units (counties and cities) to assess their capacity and performance to carry out their devolved functions. Thus, the tool should provide a foundation for the development of County/City capacity development plans, and support cities and counties in regularly monitoring their performance, as well as promote increased accountability, transparency, and inclusion in local governance. The MCAT/CCAT should also provide valuable data that allow comparison of capacity/performance of cities and counties over time.
Indeed, another fulfillment of the localization strategy, we are happy to support DAI in the implementation of Objective 3- “Local Development and Service Delivery”.